R&B star Akon loved being the envy of all his classmates at school, and even convinced them he was an African prince. The singer - who was born in St. Louis, Missouri to Senegalese parents - would often get picked up from school by his father in a black Mercedes-Benz, much to the annoyance of his friends. He says, Everybody here believed every stereotype (about Africa). I was like, 'These guys can't be no more stupid than they look.'" And the 1988 release of Eddie Murphy's "Coming To America," in which he plays an African prince adjusting to life in the US, only enhanced Akon's profile as 'royalty.' He adds, "That helped me even more. Everybody thought I was a prince!" In Related News: Akon nor his reps are commenting on the controversial video circulating over the Internet which features him stimulating sexual acts on a underage girl during a performance. [spotted first at Panache Report via Contact Music]

Pastor/father of 14 year-old daughter Akon bump and grind with speaks out:
Pastor Dave Alleyne of the Flaming Word Ministry of Chaguanas told The Trinidad Express that his daughter was not in control of the situation.
"She likes dancing and won a competition," Alleyne said. The girl was one of seven females that joined Akon on stage to compete for a chance to dance with the Senegal-born singer.
Pastor Alleyne did describe the dance of his 14-year-old daughter and Akon as "atrocious." Pastor Alleyne has been criticized sharply by his Chaguanas ministry for not expressing more outrage at sexually charged way he danced with the girl. "They are innocent to the wicked ways of the world and it is our responsibility as elders to keep them safe," Alleyne said. Many in his church want Akon banned from public performances in the area. [source: Concrete Loop via All Hip-Hop]
I'm sorry to sound arrogant or whatever sef....but why would a pastor allow his 14 year old daughter to go to such a concert in d first place sef?
Why did she get her belly pierce if she's only 14? Something doesn't sound right in this story...
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